Sunday, March 11, 2007

And so it begins.

Hi! I'm Blue (Judi) and I've been charged with getting this blog up and running. Bryan has said that he was leaving the first post in my capable hands, but I'm having difficulty in deciding just where to start. So I think I'll begin almost 30 years ago.

Wow! Has it really been that long? Are WE really that old? surely doesn't feel it. I just turned 20 didn't I? :) Anyway, 30 years ago this fall, I moved to a new town. I was in 6th grade and excited about making new friends. I made some wonderful, life long friends. One of them, was named was Bryan. We shared all the same friends and hung out in all the same circles all the way through high school. We even sat next to each other in Mr. Twiggs english class. Or was it Mr. Bethea's? We had a ball goofing off together! I always considered Bryan one of my best friends but once we graduated, we went our seperate ways. I ended up in Texas and he ended up in Ohio. Both a million miles away from home. We both, also, ended up divorced with 2 children.

So jump ahead to December of 2006. I had recently started a MySpace page and I kept getting this guy who wanted to join my friends list. I didn't know who he was so I kept denying him. Then out of the blue, Bryan wrote to me through Turned out the guy trying to join my friends was Bryan!! LOL! So I went back to his site and checked out his pictures just to be safe and sure was him! After a couple of days posting menial messages, he left me his phone number and said to give him a call if I was ever bored. I called him that night.

(At this point, I'm going to post here, the post I made on my MySpace blog. I think it captures the emotions of the moment pretty well.)

"From the moment he said hello, it was as if not one minute had passed since the last time we had spoken. We spoke for several hours that night, and the next night, and the next night, and the next night, and....well, you get the picture. During that first phone call, Bryan confessed to me that he had had a crush on me all the way through high school but could never muster up the courage to say anything to me about it. Now, at this point in our lives, when we both were no longer married, he felt he had his opportunity and he wasn't going to let it pass by. I thank God that he didn't. We have spoken every day since that first call. Now, we webcam so that we can see each other. He has Pokemon battles with Jonathan at least once a week. He talks and listens to Joshua. He is amazing!

Then, he came to visit this week. He arrived on Sunday and I just took him to the airport a couple of hours ago. He should be landing in St. Louis any minute before flying on to Cincinnati. He arrived with a pretty firm grip on my heart, but he leaves with my heart in tow. Bryan has brought joy back into my life. Over the last few years, I have not been completely myself. For the most part, I was there. I was happy but my joy was gone...if that makes any sense at all. I am a child of God. I had strayed. I always loved God and knew He was there, but I turned my back on Him. Bryan is leading me home. Even though he was leaving this morning, I woke up with a renewed sense of who and whose I am. I sang in the shower for the first time in years. LOL!! I love to sing in the shower, but the music just hasn't been there. It's back!! And it's because God has lead Bryan into my life. And Bryan has lead me back to God. I am filled with so much joy and peace and love that I don't believe I could begin to fully convey what I'm feeling. Just know that the most amazing thing has happened and that his name is Bryan Poindexter!"

So there you go. Our beginning. Bryan and I both know deep in our hearts that God has brought us together. We both fully believe that He has a plan for us. We just don't know what that plan is yet. This blog will hopefully chronicle our relationship together as it grows and also our relationship with God as it grows. Our love is amazing. I have never felt love this deep before. It sounds cliche' but I truly only thought love like this happened in fairy tales. You know, there is even a pretty good chance that you'll think we're crazy and won't believe us. But that's ok. We're expecting that. If you don't like our story, you'll decide to never come back. But maybe, just maybe, it'll strike a chord in your heart and you'll decide to come back again and again. That's what we'll be praying for. Prayerfully, God will use this blog as a way of reaching someone who otherwise may be unreachable. Maybe that person is you.

With that, I'll end for tonight. We hope that you'll join us again real soon!!

God bless you!!

In His Love ~


Chill Pastor said...

This will be the first of many comments you will get from me...I met both of you over 20 years ago now, and I can very vividly remember the day last year that God put Bryan back on my heart...I found him on and have vowed to not let distance keep our friendship from growing AGAIN!!!

You guys are an amazing couple...God does work in very strange ways somtimes...I am so excited about hearing your journey with God....

Blessings from Georgia....

chill pastor...aka "Skip"...aka the other Bryan

Deneen said...

OK--I'm not a blog stalker. But I did want to leave an official comment on your blog, rather than the email.

Anyway--welcome to the blogosphere. Reading your story gave me goosebumps. I can't wait to watch the two of you grow in Christ and in relationship with one another!

Many blessings!