Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Mission Statement?

If I make use of the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am like sounding brass, or a loud-tongued bell. And if I have a prophet's power, and have knowledge of all secret things; and if I have all faith, by which mountains may be moved from their place, but have not love, I am nothing. And if I give all my goods to the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it is of no profit to me.

Love is never tired of waiting; love is kind; love has no envy; love has no high opinion of itself, love has no pride; Love's ways are ever fair, it takes no thought for itself; it is not quickly made angry, it takes no account of evil; It takes no pleasure in wrongdoing, but has joy in what is true; Love has the power of undergoing all things, having faith in all things, hoping all things.

Though the prophet's word may come to an end, tongues come to nothing, and knowledge have no more value, love has no end.

But now we still have faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these is love.

-1 Corinthians 13:1-8, 13

Perhaps it's the way she tilts her head when she talks to me. Maybe that's why. Or how she looks through me with eyes as blue as autumn mist.

Maybe it's the way she never asks me to be anyone different than who I am. She lets me be my same dorky self. Opening herself up with a heart as vast as the Texas shoreline.

OK. It HAS to be because she never has to ask how I'm feeling at any given moment. She already knows. It's confusing to me sometimes just how "in touch" with me she is. You know...answering my questions before I have the chance to say anything. Calming me before any storm. And assuring me that it's possible to really love.

You’re what my heart has been looking for – enjoying laughter in the rain again, and feeling like a fool in love! All of my happiness came back so sudden. My tears stopped falling. When I called your name, you walked in to my life and my heart discovered that things would never be the same for me again. You are my destiny! And how much joy we will share together for the rest of our days!

From the first time that I saw you so many years ago, I knew then you were the girl God sent from heaven to me, and I'm so glad He’s placed you before me now, all these years later.

And so now we are united - and together we will show the world all the wonders love can bring! Through strength, love and understanding we will stand as one in a new world that is so open to the both of us. One heart, spreading joy to everyone, and helping to take away all sorrow. Spreading blessings and peace on earth for everyone to share.

Together, we will tear down all the barriers before us, and spread peace, humility, joy and harmony. All this by helping others search their hearts. What an easy thing to do! No more sadness for God’s children!

Blue - you are my angel. My princess.

“Wouldn't you agree, baby you and me got a groovy kind of love?”


1 comment:

Chill Pastor said...

Good call with the Phil Collins video...

You know, I never wondered why you and I hit it off from the beginning...We both are "dorks" at heart...And some people don't know how to handle "Crazy Eddie" people like you and me...BTW..."His prices are INSANE!!!!"

Love you both...
