Thursday, March 22, 2007

West Bound and Down

OK. So this morning I wake up and call in to the merchandiser hot line to find out where I'm headed today. My assumptions come true (of course) and I am eagerly awaited by the largest grocers on the west side of Cincinnati (not to mention the "thrilling" escape I get to make to Aurora, Indiana - whoopee!).

So me being the bright, strapping Georgia boy that I am...I'm thinking that I need to switch it up a little. You know, maybe change my route a little...take the road less traveled. See the sights and sounds of the great unknown. Back roads are cool when the skies are their deepest blue and a gentle breeze overcomes you. ADVENTURE, HERE I COME! (Take THAT Mr. Predictability!)

As I veer off I-275 to Kilby Road (the back way into Indiana) I long for the smell of fresh plowed fields and road kill (OK, I'm kidding). First I take a left...then another left...then a right. I'm trying to find ANY road sign saying "Yo, Mr. Cool Breeze...Indiana is THIS way!" None appear. For a long time.

By this point my palms are starting to sweat a little. Just a little. Mind you, I AM a MAN in the purest since, so there will be NO stopping for directions. My gender is just too good for that. At least in OUR own minds. If Blue were with me...well...maybe. Even though it's not too mannish.

I've driven now 45 minutes out of my way. And still I see no hope of finding the Wally World I'm supposed to service. I'm looking for signs of LIFE by this point.

Then...out of the BLUE (You KNEW I'd get at least two or three of these in, right?) it occurs to me that this pick-up truck with Indiana plates has been driving in front of me for several miles. I quickly decide that it's worth the gamble to follow him...what do I have to lose? If he's going home, at least I'll be in the right STATE! If he's not...well, maybe break one of the “man laws” and ask him which way to go.

Sure enough, about a mile down the road I cross the Indiana state line. And about two minutes later, I'm in Aurora. And there's Wally World! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

When I got home tonight and sat down to collect my thoughts on the day, something occurred to me. The answer I was longing for was always right in front of me. It was there for miles and miles and miles. If I would have just opened up to it. A lot like the way Christ has always been right in front of me. Leading me through the unknown. Through all of my trials and tribs. Like my personal travel agent. Only with cheaper rates!

Thank You Jesus for being my tour guide. Looking back, I didn't mind it so much taking the scenic route.

"There are voices that want to be heard"

1 comment:

Deneen said...

That is an awesome story...the answer usually is right in front of us if we take a moment to look.

BTW: As men like their toys as well as their autonomy, there are these cool new things called GS units...they navigate you from point A to point B without having to stop to ask for directions. All the sales guys in my office use them :-)