Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Buried Treasure

God's kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field for years and then accidentally found by a trespasser. The finder is ecstatic—what a find!—and proceeds to sell everything he owns to raise money and buy that field.
Matthew 13:44

The most remarkable transformation has happened to me in the last few months. And I know that I can become quite boring with bringing it up again and again...but it has been such a blessing to me.

From being the first guy on the block to have a CD player (circa, 1984), I was always a man of needs. I lived quite comfortably, and I had to have it all. And I wanted it now. Or sooner. I had the coolest car (which might not have been the BEST, but the COOLEST). The newest clothes. The fastest food (and I NEVER would gain weight! YAY ME!) And all of that time, I really thought I was happy. Living in excess was way cool. And I was the coolest. For most of my 40 years.

But what I didn’t recognize is, over time, my world was eroding. I was living in major family crisis. Of course the bill man came calling as well. My children became sick. I lived in constant confusion. You get the picture. My world had crashed so far, seemingly so fast. I even ended up at a point debating whether or not I should continue to live. I had hit the lowest of lows.

Then – seemingly out of the BLUE (you like that? I knew that you would!) An amazing transformation happened to me. And it was SO simple, even a caveman could do it!

I found God.

With all due respect to Joey Lawrence...WOAH!!!

What an astounding man Jesus Christ is! And all that he has done for all of us! Too COOL! WAY COOL!

He directs me everyday. Ask Blue yourself. Everyday, I make it a point to touch three people’s lives. And I NEVER let him down. Nor will I ever let Him down. That's not what I'm about.

So - back to the point. Right now, I'm not where I used to reside financially. But none of that really matters, does it? As long as I awake refreshed everyday, thank the Lord Almighty for the ability to breathe, and set out on my daily quest handed down to me from Him, I'll be just fine. Heck, it's the least I could do.

"Hey there, Mr. Blue! We're so pleased to be with You! Look around see what you do! Everybody smiles at You!"


1 comment:

Chill Pastor said...

Two things....

1. May your Blue VW Bug "Rest In Peace"..that car delivered a lot of pizzas to 931 Ave E....

2. From a dude that blogs videos every day, YOU ROCK....Your choice of videos the past two days have been phenom...

Conitnue to allow God to teach you my friend...

Judi, thank you for making his days Blue!!!

love you both...
