Thursday, October 18, 2007

Late Night TV

So there's a tornado watch out right now. It's 1am. And I'm up. Still.

Been a long day today...preparing for my move (a little, ok?), worked my eight hour work day, the standard.

Thursdays always seem to be a little long for me. I'm usually not into bed until 12 or so after visiting with Blue online. But tonight’s a little later for me.


So...I got to thinking...bout this whole storm thing going on right outside my sliding glass door.

First of all...I love storms. Give ‘em to me. I'm kinda a weather geek of sort. I dig this stuff. Too bad Corey took the camera with him to college. I'd get some GREAT lightning shots tonight.

But back to the storms.

You know, when it comes to these kind of events, lots of people are caught off guard. I mean, have no real plan. Living here in the Mid-West, it's tornado country. We usually get the standard 8-10 warnings a year, this year being about the norm, I suppose. But still, people are always caught not being ready.

Not having enough batteries. Or a flashlight that works. A radio in case of power outage. General stuff.

Not me. I'm decked out in FULL TORNADO WARNING GEAR (picture it, Skip!). Got my boots on, my BatMan utility belt, my surf board (in case of flooding).

Seriously, though. Time for the parallel. Ready?

When you KNOW that there is going to be severe weather in your part of the EVERY YEAR...why on earth can you not be prepared for it?

The same ideal is true about your relationship with God. And end of times.

Are you ready? Got YOUR utility belt?

I ready. Hope you are too. =]

Just some after 1am ramblings. You get the message. to stand in the rain. In tribute to Chill's video today. Love ya brother!

Love. Peace. Harmony.



Chill Pastor said...

Love you too bro...And yes, I can see you in your weather gear...good reminder about reaching others for Christ...

btw...your video is way better than mine!!!


Paige said... it's been six months since you guys have blogged. What's up? Ya'll are worse than me. Take some time off facebook and blog dang it.


Chevrolet HHR Turbo said...

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Chevrolet HHR Turbo said...

ur blog is really nice and interesting, You have maintain it so beautifully that I truly like & enjoy it