Thursday, June 14, 2007

Anybody Warming Up Down There?

Ok so last night Bobby Cox calls for Bob Wickman in the ninth to "nail it down" for Tim Hudson. Huddy pitched a GREAT game against the Twins. 7+ innings. 3 K's. 1 walk. 2 hits. AWESOME. I've been concerned lately about Timmy. His last few outings were a little less to be desired. But he seems to have gotten back the form he had from earlier this season. Whew!

So, anyway. Blue and I are watching the game together. I still sit in amazement that she is a Braves fan. On top of that, she really knows her stuff! Every game we watch together, she'll say something that girls are not supposed to say while watching a Braves game.

OTHER GIRL - "YAY! He threw the baseball, and that other guy with the bat hit it!"

MY BLUE - "Man, if Francoeur would just go with the pitch, he'd have a sure double off the right field wall!"

OTHER GIRL - "Do they sell peanuts at the game?"

MY BLUE - "Bobby needs to intentionally walk this guy to put a force on at second. Watch, he'll do it.

OTHER GIRL - "That guy's cute!" (NOTE - Blue SOMETIMES qualifies for this entry as well, but for the sake of this blog, I exclude her from this statement)

MY BLUE - "I'm so glad Chipper's back from the DL. The lineup really takes a hit without him in it."

You get the point.

So - we both see Wickman warming up in the eighth when I say to Blue...


Blue, the eternal optimist (you have to be if you wanted to survive through the 80's as a Braves fan) says to me..."NOW YOU JUST QUIT IT! He's pitching much better. He really is! He’s gonna come in, and nail it down for Huddy."

...right. (Insert smart-alick sound effect now)

The banter goes back and forth throughout the entire 9th inning. Blue and me. Back and forth. She's starting to get a little upset at my demeanor. Seriously. I can tell. But I had to keep it going. After all, he WAS blowing the save.

One out and six batters later - the save was blown. Just like I had predicted. yay. go bravos.


Now that a few hours have passed...I got to thinking about the game last night. And how we can look at what happened and apply it to how we live our life everyday. (I'm like that. Sometimes it drives people "batty", but whatever...)

Life throws us "curves" everyday. Sometimes we need to "take a pitch" to see what the offering is. (I can't STAND it when Francoeur swings at the first pitch...AUGH!) It's too easy to judge folks and situations these days. We look at how people dress, act, speak, etc. and automatically decide whether or not this is acceptable to our lifestyle. It's too easy to fall into that trap. But we all do. Sad but true.

I posted earlier about the clothes I wear. Sometimes, people look at me and decide really quickly that I must not be a man of God. This is SO untrue. Just because I act/look the way I do, doesn't mean I don't follow the Book.

And to tie this up into a neat little bow for you...

Cox will bring Wickman in again tonight probably. They face the Indians (Wickman's old team) in Cleveland. Wickman will get another chance to save a game. Just like all of us. We get a chance everyday to be saved...and sometimes we blow it. Sometimes we don't. The coolest thing about God is he continues to give us a chance everyday. And just like Bobby Cox won't lose faith in Bob Wickman, God never loses faith in us. He'll keep calling for us in the 9th. This is ULTIMATE! Some people consider this job security. I call it Job (,_King_James,_Job ) security.

So it's our responsibility to "get ahead in the count".

"My love is strong enough to last when things are rough"

Love. Peace. Harmony.


1 comment:

Chill Pastor said...

There are so many reasons that God put you in front of me some 20+ years ago...As I watch you in this season of life you are in, I am absolutely proud of how God is leading, teaching, and using you "Just the way you are" steal a line from Billy Joel...

I am going to play that song for you on my blog today...I was sitting here wondering what song to use today...Thanks for texting me this morning...

Your biggest fan,
