Friday, June 8, 2007

It's been TWO MONTHS?!?!

...seriously. Wow, talk about dropping the ball. I've pulled a Bill Buckner.

Just remember this...

Bill Buckner was a career .289 hitter (not bad) that led the National League in batting in 1980. He was an All-Star in 1981. And led his league in AB/SO Ratio four times! I could go on, but you get the point, I'm sure.

So much to catch up little time. Work beckons (ewww). As the months creep slowly towards summer, the national Pepsi intake index grows. Which always means my work week grows.

Growing with Pepsi is good and bad. My arms grow. This is good. My paycheck grows. This is good. My ego grows (because I'm the BEST 2nd shift merchandiser in the city...YAY ME!). This is good?

My back pain grows. This is bad. I see Blue a little less. This is bad. I spend less time with my younguns. This is bad?

So, with this being's been a really busy time for me the last couple of months. I know, I know. This is no excuse. Considering the life my pal Chill Pastor leads everyday, he still gets his Blog done. I have no excuse. I'll do better.

So last night me and Blue are chattin'. You know, talking Love. Money. Music. Braves. We HAVE priorities, you know? We've been into this discussion over the last few days about my face. Now when you read that, you freaked, right?

I've had this patch of fur under my lip for sometime now. I can't even remember when I started growing it. I don't grow facial hair very well. I'M STILL A MAN, though. Just have a few defects. Don't we all? 'Cept Chill. And Blue. Ok, now I'm getting too soft....

So anyway, Blue tells me that she kinda wants to see the old Bryan. The one from DHS. Of course, there is NO possible way I could ever give her that wish. I weighed 130 lbs. dipping wet. Drove a beat up VW Beetle (UNC blue, btw). And was ALWAYS a member of the FP. You know, the Fashion Police. Right. (Insert laugh track now, please)

The ONLY thing I could do to "try" to grant this wish, is to shave my "soul patch". Something that has grown very near and dear to me. It's a part of me now. For a while. And I like it. 'Cept the streaks of grey/white in it. That part is TERRIBLE. Other than going to the local Krogers and buying some Just For Men (from the leader in men's hair coloring), there's really nothing I can do about that.

So Blue's gotten to the point of being so tired of hearing me complain about the grey, she suggests shaving. Making my face nakey.

Um. no.

THAT LASTED. five minutes.

So I got myself up from my chair. Went to the bathroom. And ShAvEd.

Now my face is nakey. I have to admit it’s a weird feeling. But I kinda like it.

My kids think I look younger. This is good. There's less time grooming in the morning. This is good. Blue's kids don't care one way or the other. This is good. OH -

Blue likes it. This is GREAT!

Insert Job 6:29 Now. =) (YOU have to look it up. Gives you an excuse to grab that Book for a change) I'm off to work. Yay. The new/old look ready to tackle the world. Wish me luck. My face needs it.

By the way - did I mention that I asked Blue to marry me?

I love you Pup!



Bryan and Blue said...

And that I said YES!! Yaaaaaay!!

I love you too, Bear!!

Chill Pastor said...

And I get the honor of marrying them!!!...That is SOOOOO special to me!!!
